Friday, 16 November 2012

Beach Party Chevrons

Hi! So, I know I haven't posted here in a while, which I apologise for. At the beginning of my absence I kind of started to forget about running this blog, then when I began to remember it I started to become very busy with college starting back up and stuff. But, although I'm still quite busy, I'll try my best to keep it running as much as I used to.

Anyway, most of the designs I'm posting now, including this one, are ones I did a few months back before I stopped coming on this blog.

Models Own - Beach Party
Models Own - Juicy Jules
Barry M - Silver Foil

Seeing as I got both of the Models Own polishes on the same day, I decided to use them both in a design. A chevron design was the first thing that popped into my head, so that was what I ended up doing. I was quite pleased with the outcome, although I just wish that the silver glitter was more opaque so that I didn't have to use a silver polish underneath.